Posting on the blog has been slow these days. (I blame the babies.) But conveniently, the last thing I posted about was
this painting I did to raise money for a charity. So you only need to scroll down to the previous post to view :)
To recap:
I finished this painting last year with the intent of using it to raise money to support the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network. In the past I've walked in PurpleStride Washington DC to help raise money. The team, Team Hammertime, was started after pancreatic cancer took my best friend's dad- a man I had known pretty much my whole life.
There are babies in those bellies! |
So this year I'm doing something a little different. I am a virtual walker (because I have a conflict that weekend). To raise money for the team I'm going to raffle off this original painting:
2) Make a donation!
**Make sure you donate to my personal page and fill out all required information. This is the only way I can track your name, donation amount, and have an email address with which to contact you later should you win.**
You will receive one entry in my virtual raffle for each $25 you donate.
$25=1 entry. $50=2 entries. $75=3entries. etc...
This is my first time attempting something like this, so let's hope it goes smoothly! The DC walk is on June 11th. So after that date I will randomly select a winner for the painting and contact the winner via email. I can ship (within the contiguous U.S)! So please share with your friends.
And if you do not win you can still feel good about yourself. From the PanCan website:
"It is estimated that more than 53,000 Americans will be diagnosed
with pancreatic cancer this year, and more than 41,700 will die from the
disease. In 2016 it will be the third leading cause of cancer death,
with a five-year relative survival rate of just 8%. Pancreatic cancer
has the lowest five-year relative survival rate of any major cancer.
Historically, pancreatic cancer research has been underfunded. Only
approximately 2 percent of the National Cancer Institute’s (NCI) budget
is allocated to this leading killer. We know from the relatively high
survival rates associated with breast cancer and HIV/AIDS that federal
research funding levels matter in the fight to find new cures and
directly relate to improved survival rates.
Your donations will help to change these dismal statistics by funding
research grants, advocacy efforts, patient support, and awareness
activities coordinated by the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network."