Sunday, April 22, 2012


My brother has been playing baseball every since he was little. We like to tease him about how he used to practice his Power Ranger moves while playing the outfield during his tee ball years. I haven't actually watched him play in a long time, but I like to imagine that, at twenty-three, he still does this.
  (Hi, little brother! <waves enthusiastically>) Moving on...

Now that he plays in an adult softball league he asked me to try and dream up a logo for the team. I've never really designed a logo before, but thought I could give it a try. The team name is Moneyball. 
So here we have it.


I was inspired by those images you see of a thrown baseball with a trail of flames. If you Google "baseball with fire" you'll see what I mean. I also downloaded a free baseball font to help me. You can download that here. Overlaying the 100-dollar bill onto the baseball was a bit more complicated. But it involved watching this very informative YouTube video a few times.

Still waiting for tshirts to be printed and really hoping they turn out okay.

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